Jianjun Yu 于建钧

Jianjun Yu 于建钧

Ph.D. Candidate

The University of Iowa

Greetings! I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. in the Political Science Department at the University of Iowa. My primary research areas include political communication and public opinion within the context of China, automated content analysis, and causal inference. My work focuses on understanding the influence of government-led propaganda on Chinese public sentiment and the impact of public opinion on policy formulation and official appointments. My research methodology leverages advanced computational methods, employing these to collect, analyze, and derive causal inferences from large-scale text and image data.

  • Chinese Politics
  • Comparative Politics
  • Computational and Statistical Method
  • Political Communication
  • Public Opinion
Education & Working experience
  • Ph.D. in Political Science, Expected 2024

    The University of Iowa

  • Software Test Engineer, 2019

    NetEase, Inc, Hongzhou, China

  • MA in Comparative Politics, 2018

    London School of Economics and Political Science

  • BA in Logic, 2017


  • BA in International Relation, 2017




American Political Science Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Spillover Racism: Explain Discrimination against Asian Americans, 2023

Personality Cult or Performance? Chinese Strategies of Government Propaganda, with Shuyuan Shen, 2023

The Annual Meeting of the Political Methodology Society

Poster: Large Language Model to Replace Human Labeling, with Rongxing Ouyang , 2023

Poster: Transformer-based Language Models for Text Clustering, 2023

Poster: A Proper Topic Model for Short Text, 2022

The Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference

Signaling to Leaders not People: Understanding the Mechanics of Chinese Local Government Propaganda, 2023

Personality Cult or Performance? Strategies of Local Government Propaganda in China, 2022

Broadening Our Approach, A Workshop on Comparative Political Communication. Duke University, Durham, NC, 2022
How Do Chinese Local Governments Use Social Media to Communicate with their People?


Twitter data
More than 4 million followers of Chinese ’Wolf Warrior’ diplomats on Twitter
Twitter data
Twitter spider
A python package to collect public personal information of Twitter users
Twitter spider
WeChat data
More than 3 million posts made by Chinese prefecture-level city government official WeChat propaganda accounts.
WeChat data
WeChat spider
A Python package to collect WeChat official account posts.
WeChat spider
A Python code to convert a BibLaTeX file for Overleaf usage.


Twitter data
More than 4 million followers of Chinese ’Wolf Warrior’ diplomats on Twitter
Twitter data
Twitter spider
A python package to collect public personal information of Twitter users
Twitter spider
WeChat data
More than 3 million posts made by Chinese prefecture-level city government official WeChat propaganda accounts.
WeChat data
WeChat spider
A Python package to collect WeChat official account posts.
WeChat spider
A Python code to convert a BibLaTeX file for Overleaf usage.

Teaching experience

Primary instructor course

Introduction to Public Opinion

Online course: Introduction to Political psychology

Teaching assistant

Political analysis

Introduction to Comparative Politics

Introduction to International Relation

Introduction to American Foreign Policy
